Apartments Jagoda are nicely furnished apartments that are located a little bith further from the city center (1km distance), away from the noisy crowds downtown, with a capacity that could hold up to 16 persons in total.
Apartments have a nicely equipped kitchen (fridge, coffee machine, cooker, dishes, etc. ), the rooms are very spacious, each apartment has a balcony which is furnished with outdoor seatings to enjoy the perfect view of the sea and over whole Primošten.
In regards to the parking space, there are a couple of options depending on the desired placing of the guest and current availability of space: parking within the property or free private parking that would be slighty further placed from the apartments. This accomodation also offers free Wi-Fi internet and TV SAT, airconditioning in each apartament, clean towels and bed sheets.
Animals/pets are not allowed to stay within the building.
Check In | 14:00 pm |
Check Out | 10:00 am |
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